Running Advertised Programs from 10Tech on Vimeo.
Currently Available Advertised Programs
Adobe Digital School Collection: moved to Advertised Programs with Windows 7
Google Earth: Explore the earth, but don't forget to conserve our bandwith. Find the Conserving Bandwidth with Google Earth article over at SharePoint.
iTunes: Please read the iTunes Installation Information sheet (and attached User Agreemement Information) before installing iTunes. (available via Sharepoint)
Picasa: Photo editing software that integrates with staff laptop integrated cameras. When you download Picasa you will be asked two quesions--answers below:
Windows Movie Maker: moved to Advertised Programs with Windows 7
Important Details about Advertised Programs
- After re-imaging, you will need to re-install any optional programs you had previously downloaded. They will be waiting for you in Run Advertised Programs.
- If your laptops starts "acting up" after installing an advertised program, trouble shooting may determine that you need to uninstall the application. In some cases you may need to be reimaged.
- Due to the increasing complexity each new program adds, it's wise to only install the programs you plan to use.
- In the future, as new programs are added to Advertised Programs, we’ll let you know about it over at the Tech Highlights Blog.