Advertised Programs

What's an Advertised Program? “Advertising programs” is how we are providing optional programs (e.g. iTunes, Google Earth, etc.) for certificated staff laptops. Individual users determine whether or not to download and install these programs based on their particular needs. To find your advertised programs follow this path: Start→Control Panel→Programs→Run Advertised Programs. Then, select and run the programs you’d like to install. This 3-minute video shows you how it’s done:

Running Advertised Programs from 10Tech on Vimeo.

Currently Available Advertised Programs
Adobe Digital School Collection: moved to Advertised Programs with Windows 7

Google Earth: Explore the earth, but don't forget to conserve our bandwith. Find the Conserving Bandwidth with Google Earth article over at SharePoint.

iTunes: Please read the iTunes Installation Information sheet (and attached User Agreemement Information) before installing iTunes. (available via Sharepoint)

Picasa: Photo editing software that integrates with staff laptop integrated cameras. When you download Picasa you will be asked two quesions--answers below:

Windows Movie Maker: moved to Advertised Programs with Windows 7

Important Details about Advertised Programs
  • After re-imaging, you will need to re-install any optional programs you had previously downloaded. They will be waiting for you in Run Advertised Programs.
  • If your laptops starts "acting up" after installing an advertised program, trouble shooting may determine that you need to uninstall the application. In some cases you may need to be reimaged.
  • Due to the increasing complexity each new program adds, it's wise to only install the programs you plan to use. 
  • In the future, as new programs are added to Advertised Programs, we’ll let you know about it over at the Tech Highlights Blog.