Monday, November 1, 2010

Putting It All Out There with Technology

Rock Creek teachers have been very busy integrating technology and taking risks in the way communication with parents is implemented. No longer are Friday mornings filled with wait time at the copier to send home the newsletter. Instead, teachers are going green and choosing to e-mail the newsletters home each week. In lieu of the typical newsletter, teachers such as Amy Cassady are updating a blog with important information. This allows parents to “follow” the site, get real-time updates on what happens in the classroom and a peek into the real world of their students in class.

Other updates in lieu of the classroom newsletter? Twitter has been a solution for Melissa Flatt to have the real time update with a quick one or two sentences to celebrate, remind, inform, or clarify.

A few other tech highlights for Rock Creek include the new Yearbook Staff. This is the first year that 3rd and 4th graders have the opportunity to lead the school utilizing cameras, computers to upload the pictures, format and meet the deadline! It is exciting to not only give younger students a chance to participate in something with a definitive, end-result product, but also to own that responsibility and support the use of technology to create a life-long memory while promoting leadership in the building. This also extends to the student-led Rock Creek News Network with student driven stories and reports to build community and share information within our building for students and staff. The boys and girls learn how to use the video camera and cut, edit, and produce a video to share with the school highlighting school events.

Rock Creek, like other schools in our district, is starting to put it all out there and utilize the different avenues of technology, whether it is teacher-driven with blogs, student-driven with equipment, or a combination of both!

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