How to Save a Word Document as a PDF from Kimberly Allison on Vimeo.
How to Create a Distribution List from Kimberly Allison on Vimeo.
TMS Students Investigate Crime with Digital Tools
Students in Sam Atkinson’s science classes at Tahoma Middle School demonstrate their learning from the crime lab unit by making digital stories. Digital storytelling is the practice of using software and/or web 2.0 tools to create a multimedia project that tells a story. In this case, students add their own narration to PowerPoint slides that feature student-selected images to tell the story of the crime. Digital stories are a new way for students to share what they learn in a unit. You can learn more about digital storytelling by visiting the University of Houston’s Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling website.
Is a New Phone in Your Future?
Over the last few months several staff members have been asking our technology staff to help them configure their “new phone” so they can receive school email. If you have a phone or are getting a phone that supports Windows Mobile or an iPhone, we can help. Unfortunately, our network is unable to support Blackberries or the new Android OS.
We know that several of you may be in the market for a new phone this time of year. If getting your school email on your new phone is important to you, purchase an iPhone or one that supports Windows Mobile. Of course, you will also need a data plan.
Unfortunately, we do not have the resources to directly support personally owned phones and equipment; however, after the first of the year, we will be able to provide you with directions for how to set up school email on your Windows Mobile Phone and/or iPhone. Once these instructions are available they will be posted on SharePoint and you will be notified that they are available.
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